Dashboard Admin HTML CSS JS Template Premium

Dashboard Admin HTML CSS JS Template Premium

Dashboard Admin HTML CSS JS Template Premium

The pre-built templates in the free Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Lite package will enable you to quickly get up and running. The documentation gives you clear instructions on getting started and helps you customize the templates.

Although a free set of admin templates, you still get access to several useful UI components, integrated plugins, and ready-to-use widgets to enable you to enhance your dashboard and its pages. Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Lite comes with a few pre-built forms, too, helping to reduce the time it takes to add these vital elements to your pages. If you need to edit these forms to make them more suitable for your project, you should find it easy to do so with Xtreme Bootstrap Admin Lite. There are some example tables as well, giving you a head start if you want to display data in a tabulated format on your pages.

Souy Soeng

Our website teaches and reads PHP, Framework Laravel, and how to download Admin template sample source code free. Thank you for being so supportive!


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